Do you really 'believe' that in only a hundred or so years we have changed the weather so much as to be all powerful over the sun, moon, planets and stars? Let alone volcanoes, tsunamis and forest fires?
Next, get any picture from a satellite. What do you see? You the see the beautiful blue earth. You don't see men or women. Again we are just little ants and to think that our effluence is causing the weather to shift beyond control is like believing the ants are causing their own doom.
Now don't get me wrong. I do believe it is incumbent upon us to clean up after ourselves. It is also a moral and ethical duty to keep our waters clean. After all their are people down river who depend on that water and to ruin it for them is no different than setting their house on fire or to dump shit in their windows, land and streets. This is simple property law to me.
So instead of figuring ways to tax us, regulate us and to enact a world government, why don't we just use common sense and tell those that wish to dump their shit in our air and water that they are in fact destroying my property.
Unleash the Cracken of lawyers to uphold basic private property rights and of course never let Too Big To Sue, Fail, or Print to get in the way.