Friday, October 21, 2005

Black October?

I fear that this might be a new "Black" October. Maybe this coming Monday. Check back to see if I was prescient, deluded or both. The reason I say this is one of what I call "netuition". I can feel it from the web.

I stopped at the nearest Starbucks to get my net and cafe fix, ok actually the Valencia sweetened black tea lemonade...mmmmm. Flipped open my Powerbook, signed into Starbuck's paid net.. bummer... and was presented with the news. First my email wanted to sell me some hoodlums or hoodia or a rolex watch. Fine, delete, next.

Ah, Skolnick! Let's see what this conspiracy minded quadriplegic has to say. His consistent rantings are rarely accurate but in this case it is the spirit of the accusations and not the letters. IN ALL CAPS, SKOLNICK IS SCREAMING that Bush and gang are going down legally and the true patriotic generals are finally becoming brave.

Next I catch headlines of large layoffs quickly followed with the great frame-up of Syria. As a backdrop to all this I know that the bankruptcy law went into place. This is going to increase everyone's minimum payment on their charge cards. Throw in the 50% increase in heating gas and a whipped up Wilma and you have the proverbial perfect storm about to wipe the edifice of false patriotism to expose a naked emperor and our Greenscammed economy.

How did we get here? Well my current theory is that our form of capitalism is inherently unsustainable for a nation state. It can only suit a world state. Of course this plays into all the New World Order folks but it is true.

What has always been a battle between the banks and the capitalists has been won by Wall Street and the banks. The quarterly results are the only product that counts. With all of America relinquishing control of their money by "investing" in a mutual fund we have created a massive Wall Street elite that controls trillions. They worship numbers and a quarterly number is evidently very powerful to these worshippers. Now with all our relinquished trillions they buy stock and controlling interests in many corporations.

At this point the company is now basically owned by a bank. Banks are owned by individuals with the largest owned by non-american citizens or ones of dual citizenship. These very wealthy and powerful people routinely flaunt their power and their ability to wage wars, crumble economies, ruin lives, countries, while sodomizing young children and sacrificing at alters all while laughing at the meek. They want the a complete world government. America was in the way. So they planted and invested and steered us to a world of outsourcing, depravity, TV realities, walled off McMansions and contrived terrorists around every corner.

The war in Iraq is going very badly and is extremely expensive. Thankfully, China continues to loan us money. But I thought they used to be our enemy? Hmm, something inside me says this could be a trap.

Well nonetheless the circuses are still going on and I will surely watch the White Sox attempt to win the World Series. Weren't they once branded the Black Sox? Well hold your breath and let's see if we can get past October without a total financial meltdown.

Buy gold.


sdfsbo said...
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Anonymous said...

Well done on a nice blog James. I was searching for information on theatrical contact lenses and came across your post Black October? - not quite what I was looking for related to theatrical contact lenses but very interesting all the same!

We're all getting ready for Christmas and it will soon be another year. I hope to be completing my studies in opthalmology in 2006 which includes a thesis on upcoming contact lens technology and improved eye health. I'm also planning to take a course on the excima laser, which should be fun.

If you do have a moment, please take a look at my new site on: Contact Lens Reviews .

A merry Christmas to you and yours! Amon